ProjectWise Explorer Help

Using Spatial Views to Display Spatial Locations

Spatial views are used to control the way the spatial locations of the documents, folders and subfolders will be displayed over the background map when the Spatial tab is selected in ProjectWise Explorer.

Global spatial views are created by the administrator from either ProjectWise Administrator or ProjectWise Explorer, and are available to all users in the datasource. Personal spatial views are created by users in ProjectWise Explorer, and are only available to the user who created them. Spatial views are stored in the ProjectWise database, so that a user's personal spatial views are always available to them, even if they log in to their datasource in ProjectWise Explorer from another computer. Spatial views are not available across datasources; they are only available in the datasource in which they were created.

You can set up a spatial view according to many properties:

  • Default symbology - Every spatial location will share the same symbology. A different default symbology can be defined for the document, folder and subfolder.
  • Thematic Symbolization (Discrete Values) - The spatial location will be displayed according to the attribute value of the document or the subfolders to which it belongs. This type of symbology does not apply to folders.
  • Thematic Symbolization (Numeric Values) - The spatial location will be displayed according to the file size of the document. This type of symbology only applies to documents.
  • Thematic Symbolization (Advanced) - The spatial location will be displayed according to the document search results (for the documents) and to the folder search results (for the subfolders). This type of symbology does not apply to folders.

The Spatial View toolbar (View > Toolbar > Spatial View) is used to set the spatial view. The Spatial View toolbar will list all of the global and personal spatial views available to you. Any personal views you have will be labelled (Personal) in the Spatial View toolbar.

It is possible your administrator has already set one of the existing global spatial views as the default active spatial view for the datasource. This means that when you log in to this datasource in ProjectWise Explorer, this spatial view automatically displays in the Spatial View toolbar.